Give till it hurts
The millionaire families of Laguna Beach need help! They can’t afford to pay their expenses from the awful landslide. Here is a list of profiles of the families who need your money. The city wants to give each family $3,000 a month for 30 months and $60,000 for geological studies.
Click here to donate thousands.
I like how the obviously gay couples — “Jo and Jm,” and HC and DK, the flight attendant whose Steinway piano was lost — are referred to in carefully gender-neutral ways or their sex is just left out, whereas everybody else is Mr. and Mrs. W.
It’s also amusing that they actually admit one house was “red-tagged” in a previous 1978 landslide. Now the same set of spoiled Californians is back for more money. I was just in Laguna Beach a month ago, telling people it was all a dream and it wouldn’t last. I was proven right sooner than I thought I would be. These people have no sense of perspective. One of them actually told me, “It’s hard to believe that places like Houston and Ohio really exist. It’s like the whole rest of the country is a big bubble.” No, you’re in the bubble.
By the way, the city mayor doesn’t want you to think they are millionaires, but before the landslide, they used to be — especially the one family that bought its house for $280,000 eighteen years ago.
Agreed. Please make dinner.
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